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x111029 (Saturday, October 29 at Midnight) VISULITE CINEMAS presents THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW
x111029 (Saturday, October 29 at Midnight) VISULITE CINEMAS presents THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW
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with live cast accompaniment.
Visulite Cinemas
at The Visulite Cinemas on Lakeside Drive
(formerly the Carmike Theatre
901 Lakeside Drive, Lynchburg, Virginia 24501
(434) 845-2006

Saturday at Midnight
October 22 and 29
TWO NIGHTS ONLY! Rocky Horror Picture Show with LIVE CAST!

We're bringing you a sexy, outrageous, and professional version of The RHPS, equipped with a motley crew of performers (including former members of the Lynchburg Fine Arts Center), stage props, and audience participation.

Help us celebrate the BRAND NEW Visulite Cinemas Lynchburg this Halloween!

All tickets $10


Located at The Visulite Cinemas: 901 Lakeside Drive, Lynchburg, VA 24501, in the lower level of the Plaza Shopping Center,
Will Call Only All Tickets will be held for you at the door; (434) 845-0452
Reserved Tickets are strongly recommended: Seating is limited.
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