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x190608 SPRING BOOK SALE Friends of the Bedford Public Library
The Friends of the Bedford Public Library

Spring Book Sale

Saturday, June 8
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

on the 2nd floor of
the Bedford Central Library
321 North Bridge Street
Bedford, Virginia  24523

The Friends of the Bedford Public Library will hold their Spring Book Sale on the second floor of Bedford Central Library and in our new Book Room. Please help support the Friends in this effort and take home some great reading material in the process. Most books range in price from $.25 to a few dollars. Bring a friend or neighbor and spend a few minutes or a few hours browsing through the large selection of books. Find some early summer reads! The selections are tremendous – diverse, plentiful, and very, very affordable. Come early for the best selection!

Included in the selection are current fiction and non-fiction best sellers, classics, cookbooks, children’s books, puzzles, DVD’s, romance novels, spiritual and religious titles, political commentary, self help, history, Videos, CD’s, large print books, biographies, coffee table titles, craft books, and so much more! There is something for everyone.

Donations of books, DVD’s, CD’s, and puzzles in good, clean condition should be delayed until after our Fall Book Sale. After that date, you can bring in the books you’d like to donate to the loading dock of Bedford Central Library. All proceeds from this Book Sale benefit Bedford Central Library. For more information please call 540-586-8911. Bedford Central Library is located at 321 North Bridge St in Bedford.

For more information, call 540-586-8911, or visit www.friendsofbedfordlibrary.org.
Bedford Central Library is located at 321 North Bridge St in Bedford.
Credit cards accepted only through LynchburgTickets.com
For more information: phone 540-586-8911, ext. 4 then 1, or email kn@jamesjonesinstruments.com
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